Bracken McKey

The Intersection of Outdoor Recreation and Legal Practice: How Pursuing Passions Enhances Professional Performance

Throughout my career as a prosecutor and now as an attorney and owner of McKey Law, I’ve discovered that balancing professional responsibilities with personal passions is essential for sustained success and well-being. For me, outdoor recreation, particularly water skiing and snow skiing, has played a crucial role in maintaining my mental and physical health. Today, I want to share how these activities have not only provided a necessary escape from the rigors of legal practice but have also enhanced my professional performance.

The Importance of Balance

The legal profession is demanding. Long hours, high-stress situations, and the constant pressure to perform can take a toll on anyone. Early in my career, I realized that to be effective in my role, I needed to find a balance between work and personal life. This balance is not just about spending time away from work; it’s about engaging in activities that rejuvenate and inspire me.

Water Skiing and snow skiing have always been my go-to activities. These sports require focus, skill, and a sense of adventure – qualities that are surprisingly transferable to the courtroom. By dedicating time to these passions, I’ve found a way to decompress, gain new perspectives, and return to my work with renewed energy and clarity.

Physical Fitness and Mental Clarity

Outdoor recreation is a fantastic way to stay physically fit, which directly impacts mental clarity and overall performance. Water Skiing and snow skiing, in particular, are intense physical activities that require strength, coordination, and endurance. Engaging in these sports helps me stay in shape, which in turn, enhances my stamina and concentration at work.

Physical activity stimulates the release of endorphins, the body’s natural mood lifters. This not only helps in managing stress but also improves my overall mood and outlook. When I’m physically active, I find that I can think more clearly, make better decisions, and handle the pressures of legal practice more effectively.

Building Resilience Through Challenges

Both water skiing and snow skiing come with their own set of challenges. Whether it’s navigating through choppy waters or descending a steep slope, these activities require quick thinking, adaptability, and resilience – all essential skills for a successful legal career.

Facing these physical challenges has taught me to stay calm under pressure and to approach obstacles with a problem-solving mindset. In the courtroom, these skills translate into better handling of unexpected developments, effective cross-examinations, and a strategic approach to case management. The resilience I build through outdoor recreation makes me a more formidable and composed attorney.

The Power of Perspective

One of the most significant benefits of engaging in outdoor activities is the change in perspective it offers. Being out in nature, away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, provides a unique opportunity to reflect and gain clarity. It’s during these moments that I often find solutions to complex legal issues or come up with new strategies for my cases.

The tranquility of a mountain slope or the rhythm of gliding over water allows me to clear my mind and approach problems from a fresh angle. This break from the routine is crucial for creative thinking and innovative problem-solving, both of which are essential in the legal field.

Strengthening Personal Connections

Outdoor activities are also a great way to strengthen personal connections. Whether I’m skiing with friends or enjoying a day on the lake with family, these experiences foster deeper relationships and create lasting memories. These connections provide a strong support system that is invaluable in navigating the ups and downs of a legal career.

Being actively involved in my sons’ baseball teams has further reinforced the importance of personal connections. Coaching and supporting them has not only brought us closer but has also taught me valuable lessons in leadership, patience, and teamwork – skills that are directly applicable to my professional life.

Lessons in Leadership and Teamwork

Participating in and coaching sports involves a significant amount of leadership and teamwork. Leading a team, whether on the ski slopes or the baseball field, requires clear communication, motivation, and the ability to inspire others. These experiences have honed my leadership skills, making me a more effective leader in my legal practice.

In the courtroom, effective teamwork is just as crucial. Collaborating with colleagues, working with witnesses, and coordinating with law enforcement all require a high degree of cooperation and mutual respect. The lessons I’ve learned from outdoor recreation about building trust, managing conflicts, and fostering a collaborative spirit have been invaluable in my legal career.


Integrating outdoor recreation into my life has been more than just a hobby; it’s been a vital component of my professional success. The physical fitness, mental clarity, resilience, perspective, and strengthened personal connections gained from water skiing and snow skiing have significantly enhanced my performance as a prosecutor and attorney.

For anyone in the legal profession, finding a balance between work and personal passions is essential. Engaging in activities that challenge and inspire you can provide the rejuvenation needed to excel in your career. Whether it’s outdoor sports, artistic pursuits, or any other passion, dedicating time to what you love can lead to a more fulfilling and successful professional life.